Voting at 16


  • Kritzinger, Sylvia, and Eva Zeglovits (2016) ’Wählen mit 16 – Chance oder Risiko?’, in: Jörg Tremmel, and Markus Rutsche (eds.), Politische Beteiligung junger Menschen. Grundlagen – Problemfelder – Fallstudien. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 185-199.


  • Aichholzer, Julian, David Johann, and Eva Zeglovits (2014) ’Wahlbeteiligung’ in: Sylvia Kritzinger, Wolfgang C. Müller, and Klaus Schönbach (eds.), Die Nationalratswahl 2013. Wie Parteien, Medien und Wählerschaft zusammenwirken. Vienna: Böhlau, pp. 177-190.
  • Zeglovits, Eva and Julian Aichholzer (2014) 'Are people more inclined to vote at 16 than at 18? Evidence for the first-time voting boost among 16- to 25-year-olds in Austria', Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 24(3): 351-361.


  • Schwarzer, Steve and Eva Zeglovits (2013) 'The role of schools in preparing 16- and 17-year-old Austrian first-time voters for the election', in: Simone Abendschoen (ed.), Growing into politics. Contexts and timing of political socialisation, Colchester: ECPR Press, pp. 73-89.
  • Zeglovits, Eva (2013) 'Voting at 16? Youth suffrage is up for debate', European View, 12(2): 249-254.
  • Zeglovits, Eva and Martina Zandonella (2013) 'Political interest of adolescents before and after lowering the voting age: the case of Austria', Journal of Youth Studies 16(8): 1084-1104.


  • Wagner, Markus, David Johann and Sylvia Kritzinger (2012) 'Voting at 16: Turnout and the quality of vote choice', Electoral Studies, DOI: 10.1016/j.electstud.2012.01.007.
  • Wagner, Markus, and Sylvia Kritzinger (2012) 'Age group differences in issue voting: the case of Austria', Electoral Studies 31(2).